M-D Building Products 92296 SmartTool 47-1/4-Inch Digital Electronic Level

Product Description
Welcome to the versatile world of SmartTool. Most levels only give you information at level (0 degrees) and plumb (90 degrees) using bubbles you have to work to center visually between two lines. You can do that with SmartTool, too, but the SmartTool also lets you measure digitally, electronically, and with an actual number, at every angle, all 360 degrees of a complete circle. So installing a deck, stair rail, extending a roof or determining how much an old floor has sagged is simpler, less time consuming, and more accurate.
SmartTool is simple to use. Just press the on/off button and SmartTool will show you the angle of any surface with decimal-point accuracy. The display even flips over with the level so SmartTool always reads right side up And it shuts off automatically after 6 minutes when it's not being used, all this from a standard, 9-volt battery. And, SmartTool can take abuse other levels can't, because its components are made of high strength materials and you can reset it to factory accuracy with the touch of a button.